1. What training methods do you use?

We employ communication-based methods that emphasize a give-and-take relationship with the dog. Positive behaviours are rewarded with freedom, praise, and affection, while undesirable behaviours result in consequences. Our approach focuses on clear communication, mutual respect, and establishing boundaries to foster a harmonious relationship between you and your dog.

2. How long will it take to see results?

Owners should notice an improvement in their dog's ability to listen within the first session. Continued training, including consistent practice of assigned homework, will lead to ongoing improvement in the dog's listening skills. Each week, we focus on teaching new skills, allowing the dog to generalize these skills over time for lasting improvement.

3. Do you offer group classes or private sessions?

Currently, I only offer private sessions, which are conducted in the comfort of your own home. Private sessions allow for personalized attention and address specific behaviour issues or training goals tailored to individual dogs. However, I am considering starting group classes in the future to provide socialization opportunities and learning in a group setting. Stay tuned for updates on group class availability!

4. Can you help with specific behaviour issues like aggression or separation anxiety?

With the holistic approach I use to dog training, specific issues can be addressed. However, you will generally find that by focusing on increasing the dog's confidence and ability to listen rather than solely targeting specific behaviours, many "problem behaviours" tend to subside naturally over time.

5. What qualifications or certifications do you have?

I am a certified dog trainer, having completed the Professional Dog Trainer's Course through Alpha Canine Professional. This comprehensive certification program equipped me with practical knowledge and skills over a 10-day intensive, full-time course. It covered various aspects including the Pattern Learning Training Method, Canine Good Behaviour Shaping, The Canine Leadership System, practical canine behaviour and psychology, behavioural problem-solving, and effective, reward-based dog handling techniques.

6. Do you use treats or positive reinforcement in training?

No, I do not use treats in my training approach. I am a reward-based trainer, utilizing pats, praise, and freedom as rewards for desired behaviours. My training methodology is results-focused, prioritizing the improvement of the dog's listening skills and overall behaviour. 

7. Will my dog be trained by you, or will I be learning how to train my dog?

My training sessions are designed to empower owners to train their dogs effectively. While I provide guidance, instruction, and support, the focus is on teaching you how to train your dog. This ensures that you develop the skills and techniques needed to maintain and reinforce desired behaviours beyond our sessions.

8. How do you handle dogs with special needs or disabilities?

My training services are focused on working with typically developing dogs. If your dog has special needs or disabilities, I recommend seeking out a trainer who specializes in working with such cases for tailored assistance.

9. What should I expect during a training session?

During a training session, you can expect personalised instruction tailored to your dog's needs and your training goals. We'll work together to practice obedience commands, address behaviour issues, and build a stronger bond between you and your furry friend. Each session will focus on practical exercises, demonstrations, and guidance to help you and your dog progress effectively.

10. What happens if my dog doesn't respond well to training?

If your dog is struggling with training, we'll work together to identify the underlying issues and adjust our approach as needed. This might involve modifying techniques, setting realistic goals, and providing additional support and resources to help you and your dog succeed. Our goal is to find effective solutions and ensure that both you and your dog have a positive and productive training experience.

taming the wild

Latrobe Valley & Baw Baw Shires



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